Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

The Learning Organization_Discussion 3.2 (2)

The Learning Organization_Discussion 3.2 (2)

Q 1. How do aspects of change and transitions that are described by Bridges in Managing Transitions relate to your own experience in the workplace? 2. Have you seen transitions in an organization? How were they handled, compared to the descriptions presented in the Managing Transitions book? Please provide at least one example.

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Positive change aspects were experienced by me in my previous organization. Survival would not be possible without change. Some positive aspects consisted of flexibility, education, establishing self-confidence; priorities can be focused on, and strengths are built. It assisted to avoid getting fixed in one’s own way and encouraged us to stay open to fresh and new means of living or working and ideas. Learning can be obtained from the embraced change. Opportunities are present for new perspective development. One can be forced to solve problem or make decisions by the change pressure.